Bluebells and Rainbows on order! We have a lovely 11 mile exploration of the woods and downs between Arundel and Barnham. Lunch or a picnic can be taken at the excellent village stores at the Forge in Slindon village. We aim to return by train from Barnham by about 4pm

Meet at Brighton Station at 8:45 to catch the 9:00 train to Ford, then changing for Arundel. Leader will be waiting by the central coffee stand. Alternatively, join train en route to Ford where we change for Arundel. Return fare from Brighton is under £7 with a railcard.

Alternatively drivers may prefer to meet at Arundel Station. West side of station buildings. Leader will be on the train from Ford (scheduled to arrive at 10:15). Parking charge on Sundays is £2 if travelling there by car.

Leader contact number

Peter H
Telephone: 07908 831265 or 01273 607580